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Clubflat Do Budapest 2005 Home Page



2am. What sort of bloody time is that? Time for Clubflat to get picked up by the coach and head out to Budapest, wey hey! Despite the time, spirits were high and everyone acted like excited little children. Well it's not every day you're flying out to the land of punani! Memphis arrived with a full array of Clubflat cards, ready to show Budapest what Clubflat is all about. Next stop, the Durban Drinkster and Johnny Utah were picked up in Birmingham and true to form they arrived having not gone to bed the night before, still on a drinking session! Just like in school, the naughtiest boys sat at the back of the coach and within minutes of setting off the inevitable happened - Hero’s arse came out! The long journey to Luton airport went pretty quick, but that certainly wasn’t thanks to the mood of the coach driver. Miserable f*ck, do you know who we are?


The coach driver began to realise what he'd let himself in for

Memphis Fonzarella. "eeeeeehhh"

Alchy Durban Drinkster disguised vodka in a water bottle

Memphis was prepared to give his best performance yet

"We're all going on a... summer holiday"

The smell was simply too much for Quick Buck

Johnny Utah's Frankenstein impression had Quick Buck fooled

For some the excitement was all too much

Hero gives a quick 'thumbs up' to himself in the window