Csaba (pronounced Chabba – or Shabba as we kept calling him) and Tamas from Budapest Weekends turned up to show us the sights of Budapest. To start off they led us to a bar which was a short walk down the road from the hotel. We knew something was going to be funny about this when we were walking deeper and deeper into suburbia and then came across a huge hole dug in the road around some gas pipes where you could blatantly smell a strong odour of gas. I mean, who would seriously have a bar here? But that worry was nothing compared to the spooky outdoor bar itself which for purposes of having clearly no memory of it’s name, became known as the Vampire Bar. Set in a central courtyard of some old ruins which towered up on all four sides with tiny castle-like slits for windows, we watched nervously as the sun set around us, waiting for thousands of Vampire bats to come belting out at us and for Csaba and Tamas to turn around with yellow and green eyes and fangs dripping with blood. But that didn’t happen, luckily, even if we did feel we were still being watched from high up above by supernatural creatures. The bar, with it’s metal drum fires and poles of flaming kerosene torches was actually extraordinarily interesting and had an ambience to it which made you not want to leave. Probably the general idea… |