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Amidst the tranquil delights of multiple beach bums and bosoms, just when it couldn't possibly get any better, Clubflat found that there was a God.  Just metres away from the Team, a stunning beauty sporting melons from heaven was gifted to Clubflat.  As she pulled a shiny bright yellow bikini out of her beach bag, 11 jaws hit the floor.  We knew what was coming next.  Ladies, this is how you professionally change into a bikini on the beach.


First fit the bikini over your top and tits. Ask the luckiest

pre-pubescent bleeder to help if necessary

Hey presto, whip out the top from underneath


Position the towel round your bits and pull down your pinkies

Slip on the yellow bikini bottoms and remove the towel

Now lie back & let all those wearing 'wraparounds' take a damn good look

Clubflat reserved their spot on the beach for tomorrow