The first night was a crazy one with everyone getting wrecked and partying into the early hours of the morning despite the long drive to Newquay that day. We thought the next night would be a calmer one, but how wrong we were. The partying over following 2 nights got later and later, with Hero and Memphis usually the last ones in each time. Each night the Clubflat Team would drag themselves back to the B&B arriving back in dribs and drabs at anything from 2am to 6am. The crawl back home was a ritual for each member. It would start off with getting some 'cow-dog' at the nearest takeaway and trudging back with it, whilst getting rid of every last sticker you had on you. The result was a town covered in stickers. It was hilarious to spot where other members of the team had been that night as you went into a takeaway to sticker it, or you went to sticker somewhere in the street such as a road sign, only to discover it had already been done! The crawl home wasn't without incident. The owner of The Longboard Shop happened to be sitting in darkness on the Somerfield car park opposite his shop along with his mates in their cars, when his shop sign got stickered. The onslaught of abuse that was cowardly shouted from the shadows by him was so unjust for a bit of harmless fun that he received a present through his letterbox the following evening. Hope he likes cowdog and chilli sauce. Another incident occurred when Memphis and Hero were sat outside the B&B on the picnic table at 5.30am having a quiet smoke before crashing out. Running footsteps could be heard in the distance and as they got louder and finally passed the B&B, Memphis shouts "Run Forest, Run". The footstpes instantly stopped. A guy dressed like Michael Jackson turns round and starts jogging over to us. Here we go, must be trouble brewing if he's willing to come over to 2 blokes on his own. Then he spoke. "Hey dudes, can I buy a smoke off you?". What a geezer. He was from South Africa and sat with us for a few mins before jogging on! He was spotted again the next night in Red Square too, see Stickered. The crawl home was the source of some legendry memories. Possibly the best ever Clubflat stickering was achieved here when a snail was spotted, of all things, having been stickered. Ridiculously hysterical. |
Electro Kid imagines the surprise when others find his sticker later |
A 'dude' looking dude |
Clubflat was not biased and endorsed all businesses |
He can't wait to taste the Clubflat dish |
Yoo wan winega on flies? 2 dollar |
Gangsta wasn't afraid of the big bad longboard shop owner |
Random jogger "Run Forest, Run" was more like "Run Jacko, Run" |
South African Jacko just wanted to smoke the pipe of peace |
Memphis is doing something worryingly suspicious without his hands |
Card was left to help the fish remember Clubflat after 3 seconds passed |
Follow the arrows back to the B&B |
Clubflat cow-dog tasted damn good |
Seems a little bit expensive for a plastic carrier. We endorsed it anyway |
'Caution, Clubflat stickerers may be closer than they appear in your mirror' |
An ingenious work of art |
All aboard the Clubflat crazy train |
Not much further now, keep following the signs |
Memphis woke the hotel laughing as Hero's bed broke underneath him |
Clubflat property development opportunities in Newquay |
Possibly the best stickering, ever. Now go tell your snail friends |