BLUFF (Clubflat nickname, founded in 2002)


Real Name: Mark W


Position: Clubflat Legal Secretary



As a keen player in the Clubflat Casino, Bluff gained his respectful name by turning the most pathetic hand of cards into a gambler's dream. He does this with the use of his mind skills, his 'poker face', and his excellent bull-shit abilities. Portraying a seemingly menacing look while playing the Clubflat Casino main game "Texas Hold-Em", Bluff has been known to get away with literally murder whereby he can fool everyone to drop out of a hand of cards so he can take the pool of money, even when the hand he has himself is not worth squat. Of course upon being questioned about the cards he used to bluff everyone with, denial of actually having had a totally shite hand is also one of his strong characteristics as a good bluffer never reveals when he has done the dirty. Bluff's true skills were shown after committing a parking offence in a Newquay car park on one of Clubflat's trips to Newquay. Bluff walked into the Council Car Parking Fines office with the ticket and after turning on the bluff, walked away free and easy. If Bluff is ever caught in the act, there's always a way he can get himself out if it. At least almost always. Bluff has to be careful when playing Quick Buck at cards because while he knows how to bluff, Quick Buck knows how to make money - like the time he cleaned Bluff out of all his cash on just one hand of cards. Bluff loves his cars, bass, and women and is a keen drinker along with all of the Clubflat Team. These passions are all fulfilled is his annual trip to Max Power Live with D-Tox and Quick Buck where the Clubflat Team always makes a prescence of some sort.


Bluff Says: "I'm so good that sometimes I fool myself".


Claim to Fame: "Jordan brushed past me at Max Power 2000. She was on the other side of the room at the time".


Other Aliases:

Winbag - Bluff lay down on the bed, turned his pocket inside out and did the most scary impression of T-Bag from Prison Break in a hillbilly accent "C'mon Pretty".  Nickname founded in Newquay 2008.

Win - A nickname associated with his real name which is also the longest running nickname for a Clubflat member. Nickname founded in 1986.


