ELECTRO KID (Clubflat nickname, founded in 2008)


Real Name: Jim W


Position: Clubflat Technical Wizard



Electro Kid gets his name from the fact he is a technical wizard at inventing mechanical and electronic devices. He has known many members of Clubflat for a long time, but only became a member of the team himself in 2008 when he passed his initiation during Clubflat in Newquay. It was here that Electro Kid showed great enthusiasm in successfully helping to plaster the whole of Newquay in Clubflat stickers and cards. Following his initiation, the team now awaits in great anticipation for Electro Kid to come up with a device that automatically distributes Clubflat stickers and cards at twice the speed of light, for greater efficiency in the promotion of Clubflat. From an early age, it was clear that Electro Kid was destined for a life of baffling circuit conundrums after he built his own flight deck simulator controller in the workshop that is his bedroom. Other gadgetry achievements include a push button number-coded immobiliser for his car and a lucid dream inducing sleep mask that detects when you are dreaming via Rapid Eye Movement. It then attempts to give you a signal to let you know you are dreaming which is supposed to appear in your dream. But whilst he has the motivation to begin creating these technical gadgets, completing them is another thing. The flight deck simulator controller was never actually completed and soon gathered dust.  The Lucid Dream Mask production also came to a halt after it became increasingly difficult to build, and funding from Quick Buck, who commissioned him to build it, never actually materialised. However the immobiliser was a success and Electro Kid has plenty more gadgets in the pipeline, albeit surrounded by a veil of secrecy. Rumour has it that he's working on a time machine so he can go into the future in order to obtain the necessary advanced technology he needs to complete his own transformation into a cyborg. When the soldering iron is put down, Electro Kid loves to party and drink with the best of them. He's a legend at getting you out of a technical situation you’ve somehow managed to get yourself into and can always be relied upon to lend you a helping hand if ever you need it. Just mention you're working on a ground breaking invention which will change the world and he'll be straight round. Firmly hard-wired into Clubflat, we give you Electro Kid. Zap!


Electro Kid Says: "Connect the defibrillator to the flux capacitor, charge the molecule transporter, cross your fingers, and pray".


Claim to Fame: "He designed the Borg Cube and was the mastermind behind the whole Borg Collective".


Other Aliases:

Big Guy - A name given to him by the locals whilst visiting New York. Nickname founded in 2003.

Dude - Originally from the film 'Dude Where's My Car'. Shared with Gangsta as they began calling each other 'Dude'. Nickname founded in 2001.


