The first day is always the best day in a strange land. And strange it bloody was! With trams and motor cars that date back to the dark ages and shops where people were happy to buy the fruit which was half eaten by and still covered in insects we couldn’t even identify, we were surely going to need to have our wits about us here. So to help stay on our toes we went to the nearest bar and got wankered. Totally. All 18 of us. But that was not before first being met at Budapest airport by the rather tasty Aniko from Budapest Weekends. As Mentalist Dad put it… “Aroooooogggggaaaaa! Take me to your leader!”. Or the hotel at least. And what a decent hotel it was. And what a shock they were going to have… Within minutes people noticed their room door numbers had gone missing, or had been swapped around, and some people now even had two! People soon forgot about it though and took a shower. What shower would that be, the one without the shower head that just pisses out a hose full of water? The lights were switched on to search for the shower heads. What lights would they be? The one’s with no bulbs in? There could be only one culprit for all of this mischief… DJ Fukup. So Memphis soon got to work and managed to lock DJ Fukup in his room with his own key. As DJ Fukup escaped via someone else’s balcony, Hero’s huge bag of tricks was opened. Water Boy and Eggergizer kept watch as DJ Fukup’s bed was laden with water bombs and itching powder, a perfect trap for someone who would be going to bed after a drinking session! After emptying the bar round the corner, it was time to freshen up cos tonight was bar crawl night… |