THE HYPNOTIST (Clubflat nickname, founded in 2007)
Real Name: Mike/Mick G
Position: Clubflat Director of Persuasion
As one of the originals going back to the days before the name Clubflat was even spawned, The Hypnotist has long been a part of the history of that infamous place known as "The Flat". The Hypnotist always has a scam or two up his sleeve and back in those days he could be found trying to sell you ropey copies of Bill Tarmey CD's (that's Jack Duckworth off Coronation St, and yes he sings!), or something else equally appalling. The Hypnotist is well known for his ability in the art of persuasion, for getting anyone to believe and do as he says. One of his crowning achievements has to be back in the early years of his friendship with Hero where he convinced the then naive Hero that such a thing as magic toilet paper existed. Magic in that it changed colour when used, and somehow Hero was baited all the way in. He even convinced a friend that he could use a coke can and a towel to repair his car exhaust which had just snapped off in the middle. The car made it less than 2 metres. The Hypnotist has a charmingly cheeky personality which allows him to get away with pretty much anything as he convinces you to do things you wouldn't normally do. Even when you flatly and repeatedly refuse him, the next thing you know you are doing what it is you have spent the last 10 minutes refusing to do. It's like being on the Paul McKenna show where the contestants say to the camera after "Well, I knew I was running around pretending to be a chicken, but I just couldn't stop myself from doing it". One of The Hypnotist's befitting traits is that his naturally big staring eyes rarely ever blink. Give the boy a beer and 'rarely blinks' becomes 'never blinks'. A beer will also turn him from being the mildly mischievous Mike into the devilry mischievous Mick. The switch in personality is not unlike Jekyl and Hyde and on a mad lads hol in Ayia Napa, this was witnessed first hand by many. Every night there was no end to the general misbehaviour and frivolous shenanigans he got up to, which had the people around him simply in stitches. The Hypnotist is always on a quest to blag and get one over on people, in a friendly but mischievous way of course. This can come in useful when going shopping as he regularly walks away with free goods. One time he hypnotised an Ikea checkout girl into thinking she had already scanned in the absolutely huge and expensive computer table that Hero was buying, and she simply let him walk away with it! Even hero wasn't sure what was going on at the time, that's how good his powers are. The Hypnotist also has a proper addiction with Hero's professional table football and regularly hypnotises Hero into playing when he's meant to be doing chores. However his spell seems to lack the ability to hypnotise Hero into losing and so his quest to win continues, such is his competitive nature. Whatever the occasion, The Hypnotist provides you with a fun-filled memorable time. But beware, you may also find a new side to yourself as well! You have been warned...
The Hypnotist Says: "Look into my eyes look into my eyes, don't look around the eyes, look into my eyes".
Claim to Fame: "I've sold snow to the Eskimo's".
Other Aliases:
No Fear Mick - Whilst on a mad lads hol, it was observed that The Hypnotist never blinks and as such his eyes resembled the 'No Fear Bad Boy' car stickers of the 90's. Nickname founded in Cyprus 2001.
Wanna Buya, Wanna Sella, Wanna Swappa - There's always a money making scam up his sleeve where he'll try to convince you to buy something, sell something or swap something. Nickname founded in 1994.
Shane - The Hypnotist used to be a dead ringer for Shane Parrish played by Dieter Brummer in Home & Away. Nickname founded in 1993.
Mikey Bombhead - With a head the size of a small atomic bomb and covered in what was then a huge mop of hair, this name was born. Nickname founded in 1993.
Mick - The well known alias for the name Michael, which he was called all through his adolescence and has stuck ever since. But please call him Mike if girls are around. Nickname founded at birth.