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It just gets crazier. Despite our best efforts with Memphis completely covering Hero with a fire extinguisher one night and Hero trying to do a naked handstand at 6am on a chair which tipped up and sent an 8ft picture and all the furniture crashing down, creating a huge noise and mess, we still couldn't get thrown out of the family orientated Margarita hotel (see that page for more on this!). So what to do next but carry on having crazy nights like never before. Starting off drinking the free alcohol in the all inclusive hotel, into the town at midnight to wreak more havoc in the bars and clubs and then back to the hotel in the very early hours where the bar had long shut in an attempt to curb the noise. Good luck with that one. Clubflat, they couldn't tell where the noise was at! Enjoy the Clubflat Team's "Crazy Nights in Zante - Part II".


Hilarious photo managed to catch the handstand incident mid-accident!

Bird was desperate for some cucumber with her salad

Let me at the beeeeeeeerr

Our Steroid. King of Sluts.

Eggergizer's lazy eye gag was a great wind-up

Anyone would think Memphis was on holiday

The 'last night' group photo, lets make it a good un!

Man, woman or beast?

5.30am, clubs are shut, good job the off license isn't!

If Clubflat find you asleep, expect a card! And one in your pocket too!

Any clue's that the vodka was free?

Out for a curry, Clubflat style

Clubflat were model citizens at all times

The Zante binmen, cousins of the Faliraki Binmen!

The only way to stop Rhythm dancing

Eggergizer charged himself up at the end of every night

Rhythm and Hero do the hokey-cokey

The classic 'Steroid Dance'

Each night, Hero hung up his cape

Rhythm on a roll

The moment of Memphis' new nickname 'Tug'

Once a binman, always a binman