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A mug was chained to Durban Drinksters wrist from the outset with the rule being he wasn't allowed to drink directly out of a glass or a bottle.  Well at least it was chained to his left wrist which meant he wouldn't get caught out on the game of Buffalo, a rule enforced all weekend where anyone caught drinking out their right hand had to down their drink.  After a beer fuelled first night a game of paintball was in order the next day to separate the men from the boys, or rather the stag from everyone else.  When it was time for "Hunt the Stag" at the end, a nasty surprise awaited for Shane and the Durban Drinksters other best man Matt.  They had to join the stag to be hunted!  But all guns were on Durban Drinkster, as the pics show!  Except for our American friend's, Johnny Utah.  He was banned from holding a gun for the health and safety of everyone in a 3 mile radius.


Random man in the middle strangely turns up on every coach trip

(See second pic down on Budapest coach)

Alchy Durban Drinkster is desperate for some of Shane's beer in his mug


Pouring your own beer required much help

The Hop Inn bar was open till late and served Kronenburg!

Dancing Jock is sulking having forgotten his sunglasses

The boys are back in town

Check out these six ugly mugs

The Durban Drinkster liked to call his pee-pee "Stanleys Power Tool"

Workmen were pissed their digger had been stolen

Durban Drinkster and his look-alike Rob were a close couple

Andy gave the Drinkster an ear-bashing to prepare him for marriage

"I hope no-one takes a photo while I'm pulling this goofy face"

The dance floor cleared for Durban Drinksters 60's boogie routine

Spying someone spilling beer off the balcony, Drinkster reaches out

Rob supports Andy who is going ga-ga at all the candy floss on display

Married veteran Andy demonstrates that marriage is a fine balancing act

Shane was a salesmen for Lynx deodeant

Double Trouble

Proof that 2 + 2 = 5

13 lads prayed it was a drink that Dancing Jock was after

Durban Drinkster even slept with that mug. And the one on his wrist

Quick bogie check and we're ready for the next days events

Paintball was clearly going to be fun

"And the first rule is no drinking onsite".  Oops

You'd be forgiven for thinking that is Shane at the back with

Durban Drinkster up front, but its actually Shane and Rob!

If you got hit this many times you'd poo your pants too


Hero mistakes Shane for the Durban Drinkster

Wouldn't have been smiling if we'd known the taxi would take an hour