A hot summers day, a woman-free penthouse pad, this could lead to only one thing... a lads day round Clubflat! Yes, Clubflat actually exists! Quick Buck, Bluff, Steroid, Cyber-Dog, The Hypnotist, Image and The Two Neils descended on Hero's gaffe for some serious fun. With a professional table football and classic Sega Outrunner arcade driving machine adorning the lounge, along with a Playstation 2, a barrelful of beer, a chill-out balcony, some really hot sun and plenty of other gadgets, this really is a lads paradise. Just one more thing needed... helicopters! What a mental day this was. As Hero and Quick Buck wiped the floor with everyone on the footy table, 3 helicopters buzzed around the room like wasps, attacking and scathing anyone in their path. Intended more for fun than for serious model flying, these babies are equivalent to a flying supermarket trolley - impossible to control! So as the boys battled it out on the Playstation or got intensely involved in a game of footy, the excitement was heightened by also having to avoid getting your eyes taken out by 3 sets of plastic blades! These things went everywhere, even crash landing in the middle of the table football. And you weren't safe out on the balcony or down on the ground either. Image successfully, but accidentally managed to fly one out the window 2 floors up which dropped like a bomb as it went out of range! An absolute peach of a hot, sunny and fun-filled day. This will be happening again... |